The conference brings together dedicated volunteers, advisors, specialists and industry leaders from across the country to discuss the latest in home horticulture. Feedback from the previous conference and suggestions you provided via surveys, phone calls and committees shaped this year's sessions, speakers and schedule. Download the Registration and Tour Checklist before you start the registration process and prepare your conference journey.
$295 registration fee includes:
- 58 breakout sessions with first-class speakers
- 2 keynote speakers
- Welcome conference bag and water bottle
- Awards Banquet dinner
- Breakfast, lunch and snacks
- Conference activities: MarketPlace, Search for Excellence, Silent Auction, book signings … and more!
Lodging information
Special conference rate:
- $169 single/double occupancy
- $194 triple occupancy
- $219 quadruple occupancy
Make your reservation at the discounted conference rate online using the direct UC Master Gardener Conference link, or call (562) 491-1234. Remember to refer to the "UC Master Gardener Conference" room block when booking.
Conference tour offerings
Tour offerings:
- Explore the Huntington Botanical Gardens
- Go California Native!
- Community Engagement with Gardens and Nature
- Dramatic Gardens from the Desert to the Sea
- Los Angeles Farms and Garden History
- Visit the Activities – Tour webpage for more detailed information
This event only takes place every three years so don't miss this unique opportunity to learn, be inspired and make new connections. Please join us for this engaging event and we look forward to seeing you in Long Beach!